Fabless producer of Structured, Standard Cell, and Mixed Signal ASICs
GigOptix (formerly Chip Express/ChipX) is a fabless producer of ASIC solutions specializing in the low-volume, long-lived needs of the industrial, medical, and mil/aero markets. With over 2000 successful designs implemented in geometries ranging from 0.6um through 45nm, GigOptix ASICs allow significant savings in size, weight, cost, and power consumption over comparable FPGA implementations while supporting volumes as low as 100pcs/yr for periods of 20 years or more.
Keywords: ASIC, semiconductor, fabless, Custom chip, custom IC, chip design, ASIC design, semiconductor design, mixed-signal ASIC, Mixed-Signal Structured ASIC, Mixed-Signal Embedded Arrays, Structured ASIC, Standard Cell ASIC, HybridASIC, Custom Structured ASIC, PCI Express, PCIe, PCIe PHY, USB HS OTG, USB PHY, DDRII memory interfaces, Analog- to -Digital, ADC, A2D, Digital-to-Analog, DAC, FPGA, FPGA conversion, ASIC conversion, Obsolete ASIC, Obsolete FPGA, Obsolete FPGA conversion, FPGA to ASIC conversion, Obsolescence management, lifetime management, risk mitigation